Our Questions
After the host, the questions are the next most important ingredient to a successful trivia night. The ideal format and style of questions differs from venue to venue and is something that has to be fine tuned over time.
It's not easy getting this 'right'. Over years of running quiz nights we are confident that we have a good idea of what is a good question and what's not. We aim to provide interesting and memorable questions that promote debate and discussion. Check out more information about our questions philosophy.
We are a global company but each package is tailored to its region by experienced questions writers and hosts from that country. For example, our US packages are tailored to US venues and our Australian packages to our Australian venues.
Already have a quiz night?
No problem. If you already have a quiz night with a different format you will likely still need trivia questions. Download the package and use it as your questions resource. Each package contains over 70 questions as well as other novelties such as the Who Am I? and Tonight's Task.
Types of questions
General knowledge:
These form the bulk of the questions package and are a mix of many different topics as well as those that are just that, general knowledge. See some examples at our sample questions page.
Specific topic:
We have questions in over 100 different categories such as Movies, TV Trivia and Sport. Check out some of our other topics at our categories page. There are one of these rounds in every package (round 6) as well as one round of sports questions. You can also purchase an additional round on a specific topic whenever you like.
Tonight's Task
This is a task for players to complete during the night. For example, match faces with names, match the actor with his/her movie. or solve a word puzzle. Usually the Tonight's Task is only used in the event of a tie, its main role is to keep players occupied between rounds.
Who Am I?
As the name suggests, this question requires the players to solve the clues and name the person. A new clue is offered each round with the number of bonus points players can win falling with each additional clue. For example, the first clue might start "I was born in ..." and be worth 6 points. Teams only get one answer so if they get it wrong they get zero. It's then a gamble for them whether to guess and maybe get more points or to wait for more clues. This question also interchanges with Where in the World.